Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The one about the privilege of little friends

They grow up so fast... no explanation needed for my fellow moms (lol, then cry a few tears). I remember when I first came to Geneva Park Baptist Church ten years ago, Collin was the youngest. Now, he is the oldest. I think I need a tissue... sniffle, sniffle.

Dylan and Jaden came over for a visit this evening so their mom and dad could get a little break! Yeah! All parents need a break every once in a while, even when you have well-behaved, content kids like Collin, Dylan and Jaden.

We kicked around the soccer ball and ran after bubbles. Jaden and I played with the foam dart guns, Collin and Dylan did A LOT of sword fighting (duh?!), and each one of us ended up pretty sweaty! And you know what the cool thing is? Kids remember these days more than most others. They are what childhood memories are made of! We had a blast in the backyard... and after a while so did the mosquitos, so we rolled back in the house a little after 9pm.

Psalm 127:3
Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him.

I consider it a privilege to be entrusted with the care of another person's child, as I hope others would feel about caring for my son. If Collin is special to me, shouldn't he special be to everyone else? HAH! Parent = Partial. Enough said.

Ok. I am being serious now. I know not everyone feels this way. Sometimes it becomes really obvious when a nursery or children's church worker is needed... if you know what I mean. Don't get me wrong. I have struggled with the "privilege" perspective before, too. But I am thankful that the Lord has opened my eyes to see service as a gift... not necessarily from me to others, but from God to me! Isn't belonging to the Creator of Heaven and Earth an awesome thing?

Thanks, Cyndi, for letting Collin and I borrow your little ones for a few hours. They were great!

Thanks to Cyndi and Beth for your encouraging comments on my first blog! You gals totally rock!


Anonymous said...

Haha..sorry I don't have any kids to "bless" you with.. lol. :) Cute pictures.

Timber said...

Hiya, very good blog! I especially love the pic with Jaden in the forefront and the boys in the background. And your topics are well-written. I'll be checking back!