Surely by this time next week Americans will be glued to their TVs, radios, or smart phones, waiting for our newest president to be announced.
Personally, I have this sinking feeling, and it's based on nothing more than the fact that our country is overrun with already-socialist-minded morons who believe they shouldn't have to work hard for their own house, job, car, health care, food supply and good credit! It's enough to make me want to scream.
Well, come to think of it, there is another reason I have a sinking feeling... we are thoroughly warned in scripture what to expect when individuals and nations turn away from the Living God (from start to finish the Bible is full of warnings, but prophetic books in the Old Testament like Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel express the most vivid imagery). Though neither candidate is ideal, if the democratic nominee wins, the USA will be getting more of what it deserves.
Collin has been by my side during the entire election process. He has watched all of the debates, and attended the McCain-Palin rally in Virginia Beach. It has been a learing experience for teacher and student! He can pick out when someone is skirting an issue, when someone is confident in their platform, why eye contact is important and what a lack thereof usually indicates. Electoral votes, the stock market, Democrat, Republican, Iran, Russia, cold war, recession, government-run health care... Collin's vocabulary "extra credit."
While all of it counts for something in "homeschooling," I know there's a good chance that Collin will forget a good portion by the next election. So what is most important? After the election dust settles, my job as a God-fearing parent is to be certain my child knows why voting matters, and what matters when voting. Christians MUST vote on the issues... the moral issues. Not race, or service, or experience (oh, but experience does matter), or eloquence, or preference. Preserving the sanctity of human life and God-ordained marriage - these are of concern to the Creator's heart. Should they not be what concern us? There are no other morality issues being discussed on the campaign trails.
So, tonight when my son presented the question, "Is there a good chance Obama will win?" I had to answer, "Yes." And though some would think Collin's 9-year-old reply to be uncomfortably straightforward, I am thankful that he is attuned to the moral implications of having a man like Obama for president. Collin's reply? Simply this: "I guess that means there will be less children to play with, and more gay people walking around." Yep, son. Strip away the hype and that's what you get.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The one about Collin and the election...
Posted by Melissa Smith at 12:12 AM 1 comments
Labels: collin, homeschooling, poltical stuff
Monday, October 20, 2008
The one about/against the liberal left...
I received this in a forwarded email, and simply couldn't resist...
This video is 9-minutes long, but it has some of the funniest, truthful analogies I've heard. The guy talks fast, and he uses a handful of modern, pop-culture references/lingo. I had to verify that the names he mentioned near the beginning are current rap stars (for those who, like me, don't follow this stuff). Some may be uncomfortable watching it, but it is refreshing to have actual proof that some of those the leftist media and liberal democrats are trying to brainwash refuse to be deaf, dumb and blind to their lies.
I recommend the Republican party spend some of it's money to get this on prime-time television... (not that I am delusional enough to think anyone cares about my recommedations)
Posted by Melissa Smith at 1:09 PM 1 comments
Labels: fun stuff, poltical stuff
Saturday, October 4, 2008
The one about HRHS (huh?)...
What I read was essentially this: If you are going to blog, it should be because you want to... and you want to for YOU. It is a journal, and there should be no pressure to journal. For a person who analyzes why she does and doesn't do things... like me... it was a relief. So. No more apologizing. I haven't blogged in almost a month... and that's that.
Moving on... LOL.
I am really excited that Collin was able to join a homeschool sports team. HRHS (Hampton Roads Homeschool Sports) has been around for a while, but has really grown in the last three years from what I am told. The first day of the season when we all met coaches and teams... I was amazed! I had never seen so many homeschooled kids in my life! It was a wonderful thing.
Collin and I are quite introverted in that we do really well keeping to ourselves. We love our church/ministry/biological families, but our ties stop with them. We don't shun other relationships, but we don't seek them out. Collin and I naturally keep to ourselves wherever we go. We did so especially for the four years Collin played in a local chaper of a national soccer organization. As much as we interacted with those kids, and their families, for those four years, we maintain only one connection, and that by scant emails. Mr. Chuck is a senior adult that adopted his granddaughter after her mother died. Once at a game, he hit it off with Collin's grandpa (my dad) and we were automatic friends! Below are photos of Collin playing soccer in 2005 through 2007, ages 6, 7 and 8:
Even with homeschooling families, we seem to be the odd-family-out. I can't completely understand the reasons why, but was comforted to know that others in my small circle of friends often experience the same thing. Without being able to fully explain, and without a sense of superiority, I conjecture that we somehow exude inner convictions of no-nonsense. I know... anyone can undoubtedly assume that is a prideful statement, but it's truly not intended that way.
Today, though, things were a little bit different. Seemingly, as Collin is relating to kids (his age) that have far more in common with him than any he has ever met, he is doing really well on the soccer field. Experience didn't help him when he was in the other league; he was timid, self-doubting, disconnected. Now, however, it seems like he has a comfort level he's never sensed. It is something I can see with my eyes, and my heart, but is difficult to put into words. Homeschooling kids/moms will likely understand better what I am saying. :)
I don't anticipate that I will walk away from this cool, unique league with any more connections than I did with the other league. Since our lives consist mostly of ministry and church, I can confidently say I am just fine with that. However, for Collin, I am very thankful. Over the years, though infrequently, he has mentioned having friends that understand him. He has prayed for a homeschooled kid to move to our block. And though he's done so infrequently, the desire exists. Here are Collin's recent soccer photos:
Even if none of Collin's teammates ever come for a sleepover, God has given him a chance to simply be himself around other kids without the world's twisted misconception of homeschooling. It is truly an answer to prayer for Collin... and his mom!
Posted by Melissa Smith at 9:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: answered prayer, collin, friends, homeschooling, soccer